Services & Pricing


When do you need a home inspection?

Pre-Purchase Inspections: This is your “normal” home inspection. As as home buyer you want to make sure that the investment you are about to make will be a sound one. We are here to look over the home you’re interested in with a fine-tooth comb, from top to bottom, inside and out. We take a close look at all major systems and components of the home including roofing, foundation, framing, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and everything in-between. We will seek out any current defects, possible future defects, educate you on the homes systems, their functions, and their expected life span.

Pre-Drywall Inspections: Building a home? Doing a major renovation? Let us make sure it’s being built correctly and no shortcuts are being taken. Far too often during the building phase contractors take shortcuts, make errors, and perform sloppy work, only for it all to be hidden under siding and drywall. You don’t want that or the problems that come with it further down the road. Let us inspect your home DURING the building phase so these issues can be corrected before the drywall is installed.

New Construction Inspections: After your new build is complete let us do a pre-closing, punch-list inspection for you. We verify all systems and components of your brand new build are installed and working properly.

1-Year Warranty Inspections: Most new builds come with a complimentary 1-year warranty from the home builder. Before that warranty expires hire us to do a detailed inspection so we can provide you with a comprehensive list of items that need fixed/corrected before the warranty runs out.

Pre-Listing Inspections: Thinking of selling your home? Let us come look it over, find any defects, and provide you with a list of items to fix before listing your property. Why would you do this? To get the maximum value out of your home. We will find any issues before your potential buyer has the chance to, diminishing their negotiating power and keeping all your homes value in your pocket.

Maintenance Inspections: We get it… life is BUSY and home maintenance projects tend to fall to the bottom of the priority list. Let us come do an inspection for you so we can provide you with a clear list of projects that need to be taken care of in order to keep your home in top shape.

Full Residential Inspection

Under 1000 sqft - $325

1000-1499 sqft - $375

1500-1999 sqft - $400

2000-2499 sqft - $450

2500-2999 sqft - $500

3000-3499 sqft - $550

3500-3999 sqft - $600

4000-4499 sqft - $650

4500-4999 sqft - $700

5000-5499 sqft - $750

5500-5999 sqft - $800

6000+ sqft - Custom, call for pricing.

Additional Services

Crawl Space - $50

Crawlspaces take extra time and equipment.

Termite Inspections - $95

Wood-destroying insects are common in northeastern Oklahoma, and they can do major damage to a home’s appearance and structural condition. Our experienced team of experts will help you assess and resolve termite damage so you can relax in a safe, beautiful home.

2nd Trip/Re-Inspection • $100

If something wasn’t able to be inspected on the original inspection and a return trip is needed, this also includes pre-closing walkthrough

Outbuilding/Detached Garage • $50-$100

General Inspection of detached buildings, price varies with size/complexity.

EMP Inspection - Call for Pricing

Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing only inspection.